state matrix

英 [steɪt ˈmeɪtrɪks] 美 [steɪt ˈmeɪtrɪks]

网络  状态矩阵



  1. The use of color recognition to maintain a state matrix, after each step away from the state matrix and color information can get the information of current chessboard, and restore the state matrix.
  2. State Matrix is one of the methods of syntax analysis in compiler.
  3. The minimum decay coefficient of PM concentrations is computed by a formula, which is found in direct link to the minimum decay rate with the eigenvalues of the state matrix.
  4. Series Solution of Nonlinear Dynamics Equations Avoiding Calculating the Inversion of the State Matrix
  5. State matrix is diagonalized according to the orthonormality of left and right eigenvector series about the state matrix.
  6. In order to forecast the unstable modes of an electric power system, a new generator coherency identification approach was proposed by analyzing the state matrix of the system in unstable state.
  7. Discusses hybrid state feedback guaranteed cost control with quadratic stability for a class of uncertain discrete systems of which the state matrix contains time-varying uncertainties.
  8. Calculation of Generation System Reliability by Means of State Matrix
  9. Robust Analysis for Systems with Uncertain Parameters in State Matrix
  10. Flow chart and state matrix can be used to identify and design sequential circuits in the basic low voltage equipment.
  11. The model is validated by reachability tree and state matrix equations of Petri Net, and the validation result is that the model can be reachable.
  12. Time-varying uncertainties are contained in both state matrix and input matrix.
  13. Having defined the element product operation of matrix and the network parameter state matrix, and developed their operation rules, on the base of heat and mass balance of heat exchanger, the model of heat exchanger network with arbitrary structure is deduced.
  14. As for the perfect controllable system, the necessary condition satisfied by the eigenvalue of the state matrix A is now given.
  15. The system linearization model and state matrix are obtained by using SSAT ( Small Signal Analysis Toolbox).
  16. The systems contain uncertainties not only in the state matrix, but also in state time-delay matrix.
  17. All uncertainties considered in this paper include the uncertainty in state matrix, the uncertainty in control input matrix and the uncertainty in controller implementation.
  18. In this paper, the approximate perturbation range of the state matrix of a linear time-invariant system is given, keeping the system controllability invariant.
  19. The system state matrix for small disturbance eigenvalue analysis can be formed quickly and simply using the general multi-machine expression ( GMR) technique, and then the system eigenvalues and the eigenvalue sensitivities can be easily computed.
  20. Different from the traditional solutions of structural control equations, it is not required for this improved algorithm to solve the characteristic vector and the eigenvalues of a dynamic state matrix. As a result, the precision of instantaneous structural control can be raised.
  21. By a new defined matrix called the state matrix of the degaussing system, the elements of the S-matrix are presented in relatively simple expressions and can be got with a new practical measuring method.
  22. By using the augmented state matrix of the linearized power system model and performing the corresponding sparsity-oriented calculation, the correction equation is solved exactly, and the speed of convergence for the selected Ritz values is asymptotically quadratic.
  23. Application of State Matrix in the Compiling System of CJ& 709 FORTRAN
  24. Through an analysis of life period of product, competition state matrix and Boston matrix, the design direction is made clear and through value engineering analysis, product is well improved.
  25. To obtain state matrix A of linear differential algebra equation, the equation set of the model, then the eigenvalue of state matrix A and its effection on sensitivity of excition system are calculated by QR method.
  26. A new test signal method based approach to design power oscillation damping ( POD) controller for TCSC is proposed, by which the bulky eigenvalue calculation of state matrix can be avoided.
  27. The row sums of state matrix of the system are assumed equal to zero for the continuous-time case, and one for the discrete-time case.
  28. According to the closed metal conductor introducing magnetic field integral equation can effectively change the principle of state matrix, We introduce MFIE to VSIE, formation the new VSIE, Which is used to calculate the closed metal coated dielectric object.
  29. The changes of operation parameters influence the distribution of power flow and the state matrix of linearized system, thus, the oscillation mode.
  30. Detailed derivation of the models is given, and the expression of the state matrix is obtained.